The Quiet Strength of Leadership - Podcast interview

high sensitivity interview leadership podcast strength Nov 04, 2024
Poster for the Quiet and Strong Podcast episode with Nina Khoo


I recently had the great honour of being interviewed by David Hall for his Quiet & Strong Podcast. If you have the slightest doubt about Introverts and Highly Sensitive People making great leaders, have a listen here.

In this  conversation, I encourage listeners to embrace their sensitivity as a powerful asset and advocate for sensitive individuals stepping into leadership roles.

The episode includes insights on setting boundaries, managing overwhelm, nurturing confidence, and the necessity of downtime for sensitive individuals. It also shines a spotlight on debunking myths and stereotypes about sensitive leaders and highlights the vital need for empathy and depth of processing in decision-making across various sectors.

I hope you enjoy!

Here's the link again to listen or search the Quiet & Strong podcast wherever you normally listen to them.

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