From Overthinking to Powerfully Focused

A Special One-to-One

90-minute Coaching Call 


Nina Khoo

Stop the overwhelm & analysis paralysis ..

so you can harness the power of your busy brain to get stuff done and lead with confidence.

Are you ready to make the shift?

Sign up here

"I have a mind like a Mustang & no one taught me how to have the reins".

Helen Terry, M.Ed. 

International Wellness Presenter

Does this sound like you...

  • You overthink everything and find yourself playing back what someone said, days or even weeks after the actual conversation
  • You get easily distracted by shiny objects
  • Your mind is constantly thinking about 15 different things – at once
  • You do hours of research before you can even write a word

 Do you find yourself...

  • Comparing yourself to everyone else in your field - and falling short?
  • Wondering how they manage to come up with creative ideas in the moment?
  • Feeling exhausted every time you look at your to do list?
  • Doing all the things except what you’re actually meant to be doing?

If you’ve answered ‘Yes’ to any of these, it’s likely you’re part of the 20-30% of the population with High Sensitivity.

And that’s a GOOD thing!

Far from being a weakness, your sensitivity is an incredible gift.

But it can be exhausting if you don’t know how to stay in your sensitive strengths & instead get taken out by the challenges that come with your sensitive physiology.


  • Being able to calm your busy mind - fast 
  • Focusing clearly on the next important step
  • Feeling confident you’ll get things done - in your timescale
  • Having the energy for family and friends, even after a busy day at work
  • Knowing you’re showing up fully and making a difference

Book a 90-minute coaching call with me to take the reins of your powerful Mustang mind.

Discover how you can easily shift from overthinking to powerfully focused.

Sign up here

What you will get: 

Pre-session questionnaire

90-minute zoom coaching call 

Powerful tools and resources to help tame your busy mind

Follow up (email check-in a week from now PLUS 7-days of WhatsApp support) 


Sign up today for just ÂŁ145.00

 Special taster session price for new clients only. 

Meet your guide


Highly Sensitive Creative Visionary, Guide & Champion of all Sensitive Women, Nina supports & nurtures those called to lead our World to a healthier, more compassionate place for our children to thrive in.

Through understanding and embracing their unique wiring, Nina’s clients let go of everything that keeps them small & invisible so they can lead with confidence, integrity & sensitivity.

Managing overwhelm, perfectionism and self-doubt they feel safe to be seen, show up consistently in their chosen fields, comfortably step into higher positions and raise their prices.

If you have any questions, get in touch with Nina at [email protected]