£1,295.00 GBP

Special EARLY BIRD Offer!

Start exploring how your sensitivity is impacting your life and work BEFORE Born to Lead starts in September!


  • 3 x 50-minute 1:1 coaching calls with Nina (worth £500)
  • Born to Lead Program (worth £995)
  • Pointers from Nina as to what to look out for in the Born to Lead Program that will cause the biggest shifts for you

Combined with the 2 x 30-minute 1:1 coaching calls you receive as part of the Born to Lead Program, this special offer is a fast-track to you leading powerfully as a Sensitive Leader!

What People Are Saying:

If you suspect you might be highly sensitive and it's holding you back or getting you down in any respect in your life, then I wouldn't hesitate to work with Nina because she truly understands high sensitivity. And she really, really cares!

Kate Woodward, Leadership Coach and Yoga Teacher