£995.00 GBP

Born to Lead 12-Week Online Program

An online course delivered live via Zoom, designed to take you through everything you need to know to help you thrive as a Highly Sensitive woman & step into your role as a Sensitive Leader.

What you'll get:

  • Information & training sessions to help you fully understand your sensitive trait: how you're wired differently from others, the challenges & the strengths this brings
  • Powerful transformation exercises for you to dive deep & start shifting patterns that no longer serve you
  • Resources to support you as a Highly Sensitive woman
  • Access to a private Facebook community where you can share, ask questions & be supported by Nina (during the 12-weeks) & a like-minded community of HS women.
  • NEW: 2 x 30 minute 1-to-1 coaching sessions with Nina

NOTE: Next start date for LIVE course - 16th September 2024.

What People Are Saying:

I have always loved your passion for this work, for helping others to understand being highly sensitive and reframing this as a positive thing. You have shared your learning, which has enabled me to understand myself more and to become my authentic self with confidence.

Sally Reynolds

The online course is very nourishing & just doing it feels like self care. I really appreciate how clear & succinct it is & thought the NLP explanation behind the Law of Attraction was really helpful.

Jules Wade